Original 1963 MGB.

There are many articles that reference the unique features of an early Mk1 MGB – namely; pull door handles, 3 bearing engine, 3 synchromesh gearbox, banjo rear axle and large front wing gap between side light and grille.  There are also many articles on how to modify and upgrade a MGB.  

With all this information, advice and full range of parts to hand, it can be difficult to determine the original specification of an early MGB.   Therefore when I found a solid untampered 1963 MGB I accepted the challenge to restore it back to the same specification as the day it rolled off the Abingdon production line in June 1963.  The commentary on this website will hopefully convey what I have learnt about MGB originality.  

At this stage I should point out this restoration project has been a team effort and it is not entirely down to me.  Dave Parker & Steve Rice from MechSpec MG Centre have been pivotal in helping move the project forward, as well as the MG Car and Owners Clubs, which have provided fantastic technical support while striving to maintain originality.  I think it’s true to state we have all learnt a great deal about the features of an early MGB’s.

I am sure there are things I have missed.  For example: the other day I learnt from John Watson (chairman of the MGB register) this car should have rubber mats covering the inner sills.  There is always something to learn, but I have enjoyed the challenge to return this MGB back to its original June 1963 specification, and hope this inspires others to not throw bits and pieces away.