With the car came an extensive pack of documentation including original 1963 log book and all the MOT’s dating back to the early 1970’s substantiating a genuine 58,000 miles from new.  With the information came my first surprise – the original registration mark was 40TU, which was not on the car when I purchased it.

Following a quick call to DVLA I discovered 40TU had not been allocated to another vehicle and was still available.  The process to reclaim the original registration mark was surprising easy.  A V765 form was completed and sent off to DVLA with the original log book and a couple of MOT certificate to prove the original registration mark was 40TU.  This was done with the support of Jonathan Kimber from the MGOC, who verified the age and serial numbers of the car.  Within 4 weeks DVLA replied with a new V5 log book showing the car was now registered as 40TU.  Provided you have evidence of the original registration mark the process to reclaim it is very simple and does not cost anything.